Pretty Letters: 6 Beautiful Fonts Trending In Web Design – In-Depth Overview

Did you know there are 111 different styles of Helvetica alone? Clearly, there’s no shortage of fonts to choose from online!

But that isn’t necessarily a good thing. Ironically, an excessive amount of choice often makes decision-making harder. Having thousands of fonts available can actually make the job of a web designer more difficult.

That’s bad news considering the importance of the typeface to any website. Get it right, and everyone’s a winner. The designer, owner, and end-user are happy.

Looking for advice on the best fonts to use?

Keep reading to discover 6 beautiful fonts trending in web design this year.

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The Benefits of Typography in Web Design

Let’s being by talking about the importance of typography in web design.

Why does the font you use matter? Here are 3 key benefits of finding the right font.

1. Better Brand Aesthetic

Let’s face it, looks matter.

We all like to think they don’t. But, in reality, aesthetics make a mighty difference. Simply, we all tend to judge books by their covers.

That’s especially true in the online world of web design. First impressions make a big difference in the big to engage an audience. And fonts are an undeniable part of the overall aesthetic.

With an attractive, brand-related style, people are more likely to engage with the content.

The brand image gets a boost too. Users associate your website, brand, and business with quality design.

2. Enhanced User Experience (Readability)

The user experience (UX) is another vital consideration for designers.


Outdated, clunky, and complicated designs are difficult to use. People are unlikely to engage as you’d hope.


This is central to effective SEO. Google prioritizes sites with exceptional UX. After all, happy users are more likely to use Google again. It’s good for business. As such, good UX (judged by a myriad of factors) leads to better rankings.


The font plays a key role here. It plays into legibility. Certain typefaces are easier to read than others and readability is crucial in engaging a user. People won’t stick around if a copy is hard to consume.

Nail the font, improve the UX, and make Google happy.

3. Improved Business

These two aforementioned factors add up to better business.

High-quality sites look great and are easy to use.

Leads are more likely to interact with it and stick around for longer. The result? More conversions. From subscribers to sales, that’s good news for any website owner.

As we’ve seen, the right typeface plays a key role in both attributes. As such, in an indirect way, picking the right font can have a direct impact on business success.

6 Beautiful Fonts for Web Design

Time to turn our attention to the main event. Here’s a selection of the best fonts being used.

1. Merriweather

Fonts don’t get much more enjoyable to read than the mighty Merriweather.

In fact, it was literally designed to be read on screens. That makes it ideally suited to the task of making web copy a success. Use it for all of your on-screen copy requirements if you wish.

In a top-rated serif font, the letters run relatively close together with a geometric stylization. The constancy of letter height and width make for easy reading at even the smallest of sizes. That makes for an enhanced user experience.

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2. Alegreya

Alegreya is another top option for long-form written content.

In this way, it would be a great bet for anyone designing websites intended for blog posts. Its dynamic, lilting, and non-uniform styling lends itself to easy reading. Indeed, this alternative serif font was originally created for literature uses.

It packs a modern punch, with varying letterforms and a hint of calligraphy. For writers hoping to engage a reader on their website, Alegreya would be a top choice.

3. Open Sans

Open Sans is the all-rounder of the typography world.

It’s a classic font that serves almost any purpose. There’s nothing fancy about open sans. However, that simplicity lends it appealing neutrality. Legibility is exceptionally high and makes for enhanced readability in any format.

Bold, italicized, light…it doesn’t matter. Each form of Open Sans offers any website owner an agreeable overall aesthetic.

4. Oswald

Say hello to one of the most popular fonts for web design.

Oswald is ubiquitous on the web. Millions of sites across all manner of niches utilize it for its alternative gothic style. The condensed sans serif form lends itself to headlines. However, you’d be forgiven for using it across the site.

It somehow boasts a unique yet familiar style. Oswald stands out from the other on-page copy. It’s tall and proud and gets your attention.

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5. Roboto

The Roboto font family is another favored and prevalent typeface online.

It’s valued for its minimalist, modern style. Intensely geometric, Roboto is a versatile font that could be used for almost any web purpose. It’s clean, overtly simple, and easy to read.

Unlike other typefaces, this one seems to have a good ‘shelf-life’. You could imagine seeing it unchanged in 10 years’ time and still finding it visually relevant and appealing.

6. Amatic SC

This one’s got a very different feel to the other fonts on this list. We wanted to mix it up a bit!

Amatic is fun. It’s irregular, warbling, capitalized, and happy-go-lucky. Great for any website looking for personality, it’s arguably best kept for headings and titles.

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There you have it: 6 beautiful fonts currently trending in web design.

The internet has an enormous number of fonts to choose from. Thousands and thousands of font families and styles abound. It can be difficult for web designers to select the right one (or the right combination!).

It isn’t a decision to take lightly either. After all, fonts have a significant impact on the overall performance of a website. Making the right decision can make all the difference.

Hopefully, this post has helped you find the best font for your web designing needs!

Want more font-related advice? Head to the ‘Font’ section of the blog now!

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  • Paul Ford

    Interests: Graphics Illustrator and Designer, Web Development and Application Programming, Digital Media Management. Clearly my passion in life is GRAPHICS and just beautiful designs, always have been, always will be. I hope you like what the team and I have pulled together for you here!

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