Cool Postcard Mockup Templates – Tips, Tricks & More

Want to showcase your postcard designs to your clients? Or perhaps send out a couple of postcards to your family and friends? You can impress them with professionally done work with the Postcard Mockup. This premium set of templates is available for FREE. You can download them in Photoshop PSD file format.

Showcase Your Postcard Designs with This Postcard Mockup TemplateAre you looking to communicate with family or friends? Do you miss them and just want to get in touch with them? If communication through social media isn’t your thing (or if you prefer some other way that’s more intimate and personalized), why not send them postcards?

Check out more Postcard Mockup Templates click HERE.

Cool Postcard Mockup Templates

Postcards are a great way of reaching out to loved ones. By sending out postcards, you’re telling people they are important. You’re taking the time to get one, write out a personal message, and then send it through mail or personally hand it to them. It’s a simple yet meaningful way of saying the recipient is important to you and you are thinking of them while you’re away.

On a professional level, people would also send out postcards to bosses, colleagues, business partners, and acquaintances. It’s a touching gesture of goodwill, professional courtesy, and mutual respect.

Sending Out Postcards Isn’t Out of Date

Showcase Your Postcard Designs with This Postcard Mockup TemplateDid you know you can create a professionally done postcard fast and easily? With the Postcard Mockup, you can! This amazing template lets you choose from a wide range of designs. What’s great about it is that it is FREE! The premium Postcard Mockup collection is available in Photoshop PSD file format. And you can download it here.

Whether you’re looking to give out a couple to friends and family or to your work colleagues, the Postcard Mockup set has something for everyone. There are plenty of templates that you can use—different types, different shapes, and different sizes for different personalities. Pick one that best suits your needs and preferences.

Check out these postcard mockup sets:

Postcard Mockup PSD
PSD postcard template for small businesses
Free postcard mockup set
A6 Postcard/flyer mockup

Reasons Why Sending Postcards Is Still Cool

Showcase Your Postcard Designs with This Postcard Mockup TemplateDo you think postcards are obsolete? In a digital world dominated by Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, does anyone still send postcards? You might be wondering why would anyone do that if there are still many that do.

Admittedly, sending out postcards seems like it’s a dead practice. People would simply go online and get in touch with each other. It’s more practical that way. And it’s a more convenient avenue if you want to contact friends and family. Even companies connect with prospective employees through LinkedIn and similar social media platforms.

In today’s age of social media, you may think this spells the doom of the art of sending postcards. Come on, when was the last time you received a postcard? Was it close to 20 years ago? Or better yet, when was the last time you wrote a personal message in one and then sent it out?

Call us old-fashioned but we think it is still in style. Does it sound a bit ridiculous to send out cards? With the conveniences that we have today, it may seem impractical to give out postcards when you can simply log on to social media and connect with people.

Personal and Thoughtful Way

Giving out postcards goes to a more intimate and personal level. It’s basically telling the recipient you are genuinely thinking of them. It’s more than a “how are you?” and sort of a “wish you were here.” Because you are putting extra effort into it, this makes people feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. Sadly it’s not too often that we see people sending postcards nowadays.

Great Souvenirs

Showcase Your Postcard Designs with This Postcard Mockup TemplateNothing brings joy to someone else when they know you have something for them from your travels. It could be a key chain or a snow globe. But postcards are the best representation of the places you’ve been to. It captures the true essence of that spot in our world you visited.

Of course, we’re not saying that you only limit your souvenirs to postcards. Bring a stuffed toy or some tasty treats too.

With a handwritten, personalized note, postcards truly immortalize the precious moments. Something that may be preserved and enjoyed for generations to come. Plus, they look good when framed and put on the wall too.

Inexpensive Tokens of Friendship and Family Bond

For just a couple of cents, you can get a postcard for your loved ones. Plus you can send them from anywhere you may be.

Now, now. You might think social media is inexpensive too. And you can get online from anywhere (as long as there’s WiFi. But are Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as expressively thoughtful and intimate as postcards?

Postcards Can Last a Lifetime

Computers crash, files get deleted, and data get erased from cyberspace. Postcards aren’t all that. Frame it and hang it on the wall. Or put it in an album. It’s like an artifact that you keep and show to kids and grandkids.

The Age of Postcards Isn’t Dead

The practice of sending postcards is definitely not dead. It may have lost its popularity as today’s generation is more obsessed with social media. But assuredly it isn’t gone for good. This is why this premium Postcard Mockup set is perfect.

Available in Photoshop PSD file format, these templates cater to everybody’s preferences and needs. The Postcard Mockup set contains different types of designs that you can easily customize. Using smart objects, you can add your own elements to arrive at your personalized designs.

The Postcard Mockup set doesn’t only feature free templates. If you want a few more premium mockups, there are many available too. With its high-quality, professionally done features, you’ll surely love these designs.

Showcase Your Postcard Designs with This Postcard Mockup TemplateConclusion

Want to get the Postcard Mockup Set? You can download over 34 of the best templates from this collection for FREE! We’re pretty sure you’ll love these mockups because they’re of high quality.

Make sure you also check out our other mockups that you can download here for free. If you like this and our other posts, please share them with your fellow graphic designers, family, and friends.

Check out our website for more content like this click HERE.

Check out our other mockup templates.


  • Paul Ford

    Interests: Graphics Illustrator and Designer, Web Development and Application Programming, Digital Media Management. Clearly my passion in life is GRAPHICS and just beautiful designs, always have been, always will be. I hope you like what the team and I have pulled together for you here!

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