Web Template Trends to Keep Up With – In-Depth Guide

In this day and age, just about anybody can get their own website. Whether it is for personal use or for professional use, websites can be very beneficial. Unlike how it was years ago, websites are now easy and simple to set up so even the least technologically inclined can build their own website.

Customizing your own page is possible as well, thanks to so many resources online offering web templates. You can even enlist the assistance of design companies if you really want your website to stand out. 

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Why Web Templates Are Important?

Though there are millions upon millions of websites on the internet, there are still quite a number of people who do not know about the advantages of running a professional website. Some people do not even believe that spending time and money on a website is worth it.

However, in this digital era, running a website for yourself or (more importantly) for your business can give you the upper hand. Here are just a few of the key benefits of owning your own website.

It Can Connect You to the World

If you are running a small business, finding customers or clients can be extremely difficult, especially if you have a lot of competition in your area of expertise. A website can bring in more potential clients from around the globe. Y

ou will be connected to the information superhighway and, with the right marketing plan, you will be able to reach a bigger and wider audience than you could ever have imagined.

With a website, you will not be limited to your local market anymore. The whole world is your community. A web presence can make all the difference.

It Can Give Your Business a More Professional Appeal

For a business venture to succeed, you need to be credible so that people will trust you. Scams and hoaxes are all too common these days. So, small businesses need to double their efforts to assure the public that they are legitimate.

A surefire way of gaining people’s trust is having a website for your business. You will be seen as a professional company that people can rely on, especially if your website is well designed.

It Is a Less Expensive Manner of Advertising

How can you spread the word about your business as quickly and as widely as possible?

Traditional media charges big bucks for a one-time advertising slot and these days, not a lot of people even pay attention to newspaper ads or TV and radio commercials.

Meanwhile, a website is far-reaching and considerably less expensive to set up. People are more likely to stumble upon your site and can easily learn about your business.

The internet is a better place to advertise since the majority spend a lot of their time on it.

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It Will Inform People of Your Business

More importantly, a website will inform your potential clients of all the necessary information regarding your product or service.

Everything from a comprehensive list of your products or services to contact information, people can access easily. And if you offer something new, you can easily update your website’s page.

It Gives You Access to Information About Your Market

Conversely, you will be able to learn about your market – the people who frequent your page – and their experience with your business. It is imperative for business owners to constantly look for ways to improve their business.

So, an open feedback system should be available. A website can give you all the information you need to evolve.

It Provides You With More Opportunities

Besides drawing in more customers, you can also find partnerships or collaborations online. The incredible thing about the internet is that it allows like-minded people to find one another.


Web Template Trends to Keep Up With

Website templates, readymade web pages that anyone can use for their website, have played a pivotal role in popularizing the use of websites.

People no longer have to worry about figuring out all the complicated tech stuff if they want to set up a simple page. There are numerous templates people can access and customize however they please.

With so many web templates available, it is only expected that designers would develop their own style to keep people interested. Over the years, certain trends have popped up in web templates following the rapid advancement of computer technology.

Currently, these trends are quite favored by users and designers all over the internet.


Smartphones are more common now than ever. People are more prone to access the internet with their phones so web designers have made sure that web pages are mobile-friendly too.

This means that they can be easily navigated on the smaller screen of a smartphone.


This trend has been on the rise for some time now. Micro-interactions are subtle contained moments for a single-use. We do not normally consciously notice them however they do make a website more inviting.

Anything from a barely noticeable beep or a momentary animation can make an impact on the user experience.

High Definition Photos

With computer screens equipped to display the highest resolution possible, users now expect nothing but HD photos on web pages. No one wants to see blurry or pixelated images.

Dynamic Web Layout

One of the most noticeable evolutions of web design is the gradual departure from the strict grid layout where everything is precisely organized into equal grids. These days, it is more popular to employ unconventional layouts.

With so many web pages online, people prefer sites that are not so standard and commonplace. The more outrageous the design, the more memorable it will be.

Hovering Navigation Menu

Lastly, navigation menus have also advanced. The trend nowadays is hovering menus, menus that remain in a fixed space even as the user scrolls down the page. There are many advantages to this type of menu, primarily it makes it easier for the user to navigate the pages.

Users will not have to keep scrolling back up to click back to the homepage or some other page. It might be a fix to a minor inconvenience but it is still appreciated by many.


There are countless web template trends every year, some lasting longer than others. There is no telling what features will gain popularity in the future.

One thing is certain though, the trends in website templates will evolve as computer technology improves.

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  • Paul Ford

    Interests: Graphics Illustrator and Designer, Web Development and Application Programming, Digital Media Management. Clearly my passion in life is GRAPHICS and just beautiful designs, always have been, always will be. I hope you like what the team and I have pulled together for you here!

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